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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Methods to Delete a File or Folder in Python


On this Byte we’ll be exploring how you can delete information and folders in Python. It is a frequent job in lots of programming and scripting contexts, particularly in areas like information cleansing, non permanent file removing, and even when working with file-based databases. You may have to deal with file deletion fastidiously as an error could cause information loss, which is usually irreversible.

To point out how to do that, we’ll be utilizing built-in Python modules like os and shutil for this job. So, if you’re conversant in fundamental Python syntax and file operations, you are good to go!

Deleting a File in Python

Deleting a file in Python is pretty straightforward to do. Let’s focus on two strategies to perform this job utilizing completely different Python modules.

Utilizing the ‘os’ Module

The os module in Python offers a technique known as os.take away() that can be utilized to delete a file. This is a easy instance:

import os

# specify the file identify
file_name = "test_file.txt"

# delete the file
os.take away(file_name)

Within the above instance, we first import the os module. Then, we specify the identify of the file to be deleted. Lastly, we name os.take away() with the file identify because the parameter to delete the file.

Notice: The os.take away() perform can solely delete information, not directories. For those who attempt to delete a listing utilizing this perform, you may get a IsADirectoryError.

Utilizing the ‘shutil’ Module

The shutil module, quick for “shell utilities”, additionally offers a technique to delete information – shutil.rmtree(). However why use shutil when os can do the job? Effectively, shutil can delete a complete listing tree (i.e., a listing and all its subdirectories). Let’s examine how you can delete a file with shutil.

import shutil

# specify the file identify
file_name = "test_file.txt"

# delete the file

The code appears to be like fairly just like the os instance, proper? That is one of many nice elements of Python’s design – consistency throughout modules. Nonetheless, do not forget that shutil.rmtree() is extra highly effective and might take away non-empty directories as properly, which we’ll take a look at extra intently in a later part.

Deleting a Folder in Python

Shifting on to the subject of listing deletion, we are able to once more use the os and shutil modules to perform this job. Right here we’ll discover each strategies.

Utilizing the ‘os’ Module

The os module in Python offers a technique known as os.rmdir() that permits us to delete an empty listing. This is how you should use it:

import os

# specify the listing you need to delete
folder_path = "/path/to/your/listing"

# delete the listing

The os.rmdir() technique solely deletes empty directories. If the listing is just not empty, you may encounter an OSError: [Errno 39] Listing not empty error.

Utilizing the ‘shutil’ Module

In case you need to delete a listing that is not empty, you should use the shutil.rmtree() technique from the shutil module.

import shutil

# specify the listing you need to delete
folder_path = "/path/to/your/listing"

# delete the listing

The shutil.rmtree() technique deletes a listing and all its contents, so use it cautiously!

Wait! At all times double-check the listing path earlier than working the deletion code. You do not need to unintentionally delete vital information or directories!

Widespread Errors

When coping with file and listing operations in Python, it is common to come across a couple of particular errors. Understanding these errors is vital to dealing with them gracefully and guaranteeing your code continues to run easily.

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

One frequent error you may encounter when attempting to delete a file or folder is the PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied. This error happens whenever you try to delete a file or folder that your Python script would not have the required permissions for.

This is an instance of what this may seem like:

import os

    os.take away("/root/take a look at.txt")
besides PermissionError:
    print("Permission denied")

On this instance, we’re attempting to delete a file within the root listing, which typically requires administrative privileges. When run, this code will output Permission denied.

To keep away from this error, guarantee your script has the required permissions to carry out the operation. This may contain working your script as an administrator, or modifying the permissions of the file or folder you are attempting to delete.

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or listing

One other frequent error is the FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or listing. This error is thrown whenever you try to delete a file or folder that does not exist.

This is how this may look:

import os

    os.take away("nonexistent_file.txt")
besides FileNotFoundError:
    print("File not discovered")

On this instance, we’re attempting to delete a file that does not exist, so Python throws a FileNotFoundError.

To keep away from this, you may verify if the file or folder exists earlier than attempting to delete it, like so:

import os

if os.path.exists("take a look at.txt"):
    os.take away("take a look at.txt")
    print("File not discovered")

OSError: [Errno 39] Listing not empty

The OSError: [Errno 39] Listing not empty error happens whenever you attempt to delete a listing that is not empty utilizing os.rmdir().

As an example:

import os

besides OSError:
    print("Listing not empty")

This error will be prevented by guaranteeing the listing is empty earlier than attempting to delete it, or by utilizing shutil.rmtree(), which might delete a listing and all its contents:

import shutil


Comparable Options and Use-Instances

Python’s file and listing deletion capabilities will be utilized in quite a lot of use-cases past merely deleting particular person information or folders.

Deleting Information with Particular Extensions

Think about you’ve a listing stuffed with information, and it’s good to delete solely these with a particular file extension, say .txt. Python, with its versatile libraries, will help you do that with ease. The os and glob modules are your pals right here.

import os
import glob

# Specify the file extension
extension = "*.txt"

# Specify the listing
listing = "/path/to/listing/"

# Mix the listing with the extension
information = os.path.be part of(listing, extension)

# Loop over the information and delete them
for file in glob.glob(information):
    os.take away(file)

This script will delete all .txt information within the specified listing. The glob module is used to retrieve information/pathnames matching a specified sample. Right here, the sample is all information ending with .txt.

Deleting Empty Directories

Have you ever ever discovered your self with a bunch of empty directories that you just need to do away with? Python’s os module will help you right here as properly.

import os

# Specify the listing
listing = "/path/to/listing/"

# Use listdir() to verify if listing is empty
if not os.listdir(listing):

The os.listdir(listing) perform returns an inventory containing the names of the entries within the listing given by path. If the record is empty, it means the listing is empty, and we are able to safely delete it utilizing os.rmdir(listing).

Notice: os.rmdir(listing) can solely delete empty directories. If the listing is just not empty, you may get an OSError: [Errno 39] Listing not empty error.


On this Byte, we explored how you can delete information and folders. We additionally noticed different comparable use circumstances, like deleting information with particular extensions, empty directories, and nested directories utilizing Python. We leveraged the facility of the os, glob, and shutil modules to do these duties.

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